Ignite Your Purpose

Our #1 Go to Process for 2022 is Patience



Our #1 Go to Process for 2022 is Patience   Our #1 Go to Process for 2022 is Patience, for this brand, for business, for life, for dreams, for our future. This has come about after being involved in Raven 425 Apparel for 2 years now, and it's something that has just organically come into our head space.   For all of us trying to live our dreams, follow our dreams, fulfil our dreams, most of us don't think it can happen quick enough, but the fact is anything that comes that fast (most of the time, not all the time) will fade just as quick. So do you want to be a quick flash in the pan or do you want to be a long lasting glowing sunset?   WHY WOULD WE SAY THAT YOU ASK?   To be honest its simple because there is zero foundation being built on, and the foundation is the key. The process is the key and for that you need and must adhere to PATIENCE! So if we give the example of building a house, we would not landscape the property first so that it looks all sexy and slick for all to see when the bulldoze