College Debt To Career Cash: Go Beyond The Resume And Sell Yourself In The Interview, Negotiate Salary And Pay Off Loans Earl

You might have to chase people down! Medical device, surgical disposables and capital equipment. - Part 1 Steele



Steele Lightfoot is our guest today and he shares about his 10 plus years in medical sales.  For choosing a career path he says make sure you know yourself and what type of medical specialty would be the best fit.  Just because you see a job posted with a big-name company make sure you really want to do that particular job.  Talk to the reps doing the job and more than that ask to meet with them to understand what they do day-to-day.  I recommend Strength Finder by Gallop or the DISC communication style test, to get to know which type of sales is the best fit for you. For more information, please send me an email or visit my website. Go to my website: download my free training to develop your story!