Toy Photographers Podcast

Criticism: how to find it, how to take it



  On todays podcast Shelly Corbett talks with Alan Rappa, Sabrina Perry and Joshua Kittleson about Criticism: how to find it, how to take it. We all want to get better at our craft of toy photography. One way to get better is to practice, but without constructive feedback, it's hard to know what's working and what isn't. But as I’m sure you’re well aware, constructive criticism is hard to find on social media. So where do you go? In this roundtable discussion we will: Discuss the importance of constructive feedback to help take your work to the next level What to look for in constructive criticism Share times when we've received criticism The pros and cons of social media and criticism Discuss when and how we've sought out criticism How to find a trusted circle of friends to turn to for criticism that matters As always, we’d love to hear your thoughts after listening to the episode; leave a comment below or join our communities on MeWe, Facebook, or Instagram! Also, please be sure to “revisit” the b