Alternate Take With Danny Mancera

#46 - Cardiologist/Epidemiologist/Author/Editor - Dr. Peter McCullough



Danny talks with Dr. Peter McCullough, an academic internist/cardiologist/epidemiologist/author/editor/news commentator, about his credentials and legitimacy in medicine, his contributions to COVID-19 including early treatment, Americans’ hunger for valid information regarding COVID-19 and treatment, Dr. McCullough’s breakthrough papers published in the American Journal of Medicine in August of 2020, the difference between Omicron and the original infections/legacy variants, Dr. MucCullough’s over the counter survival kit for COVID-19 that any American can start implementing now, the inadequacy of COVID-19 treatment by public service officials, the lack of innovation in COVID-19 protocols amongst the medical community, books/journals/websites recommended by Dr. McCullough for those interested in further COVID-19 information/treatment, bio-ethics/codes of ethics/oaths that all Doctor’s should not violate, the medical authority that Dr. McCullough holds, drug safety and efficacy, recommendations from Dr. McCull