Social Media Zoom Factor With Pam Moore | Social Media Marketing | Branding |business | Entrepreneur | Business | Digital Mar

149: Stop Spam Put Human Back in Social Media Digital Marketing and Business



There is not a morning I log into Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram that my feed is not bombarded with spam. From people begging for clicks, link backs, free shout outs to over the top self promotional automated messages, replies and the list goes on.  I even recently had an social media agency CEO spamming and begging for support of their non-profit campaigns that are based on a foundation of 1000's of fake RTs on every tweet on behalf of the client. They are charging the client for campaigns based on fake followers and fake metrics. This is a true story my friends and these things are happening all around us every single day.  Think with me for a moment...  Would you walk into a room of real human beings and start blasting the name and url of your business?  When you meet somebody new at an event would you walk up to them and ask them to watch your video on YouTube before you had a chance to say hello?  Would you tap someone you just met on the shoulder and asked them why they unfollowed you or if t