

Welcome to the digital age of marketing where you are the brand. You can run, you can hide but you can't escape the need to build your personal brand.  We all know people buy from people.  People also tweet with other people. They connect on LinkedIn with other people. They live video stream, Instagram and SnapChat with other people as well.  When a new potential client contacts us to do business, the first place go to learn about them is the internet. We will start with a Google, Facebook or Twitter search. We then immediately click through to LinkedIn.  In a matter of seconds we can find out who the person is and if they are who they said they are in the contact form. We can find out where they work now and where they have worked the past 10 - 20 years. We will within seconds know if they have a blog, if they have kids, where they went to school and the list goes on.  Yes, you may be sitting there reading this and think... "Pam,  you will never know that about me because I will never post all of that inform