

You hear your colleagues, boss, friends and even teens rave about how crazy amazing Twitter and other social networks are. They brag about how many people they have met, relationships nurtured and rocked. The are excited about new partnerships, friendships and opportunities that all started with a simple 140 character tweet. You smile as they share the excitement with you. You nod your head in agreement. However, the truth is you are questioning the validity of their statements. If what they say is true you wonder why you have such a hard time even getting a conversation on Twitter started. Does this sound familiar?  Do you struggle with what to tweet about?  Don't know if you should share what you ate for lunch or not?  Wonder if you should share the kids Saturday morning soccer game on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or all of the above?  Don't know where to start when it comes to getting a conversation started on Twitter or any social network for that matter?  Does Twitter intimidate you more than any other