

Can a brand really be human? In this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast Pam Moore, CEO Founder of Marketing Nutz, full service social media, social business, digital marketing, branding agency answers this question. Becoming a human brand is different for each organization. There is no perfect cookie cutter solution. However, there are  definitely some best practices that can help marketers and business leaders better humanize their brand and connect their audiences in a real and meaningful way. What are your favorite brands? Why are they your favorite?  It could be you like the product, the service, the way it makes you feel. It could be many different things. If it is not the actual product you are in love with from the brand, then the chances are high that you like the service as well as the way the brand makes you feel. The brand has done something within you heart that makes you feel good. Do you feel empowered, inspired, capable of doing more, being more than you would be without the brand and it