It's New Orleans: Happy Hour

Trouble Never Ends - Happy Hour - It's New Orleans



Manny Chevrolet Bruno describes himself as "The next Mayor of New Orleans." A perennial mayoral candidate with the slogan "A troubled man for troubled times" Manny is stepping it up this election cycle with his new slogan "Trouble Never Ends." It s unlikely you ve ever heard a candidate for office espouse quite this strange of a collection of thoughts. Along with the usual promises to legalize marijuana and dismantle the Sewerage and Water Board, Manny is disturbed by the existence of domesticated pets and doesn t believe questionable drinking water is much of a problem. And that s just the tip of the iceberg. As a retired body builder, professional fitness trainer, and owner of two elite gyms in New Orleans, Sacha Owens could kick Manny s ass. It s a miracle she doesn t. People don t ever come to blows on Happy Hour but this might be as close as we ve gotten. for the past 3.5 years George Elizondo has resisted the temptation to install Tinder on his phone. He s working on his music. And the concentration is