College Debt To Career Cash: Go Beyond The Resume And Sell Yourself In The Interview, Negotiate Salary And Pay Off Loans Earl

New J&J med device rep shares, "I didn't close and butchered the interview". But eventually he had 3 offers! - Luke part one



Luke Hockran shares how he got hired by J&J in medical sales, just one year out of college!  The key was his focus as a young person and his ability to build relationships through LinkedIn. I discuss the famous Jim Rohn quote: "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with". I can help you get hired in medical or pharmaceutical sales through my coaching. Let's talk my email is Make your "top five people" in the medical or pharmaceutical space and you will become like them! He shares the key to get people to have a conversation with you is to genuinely show interest in their career. Next ask for their advice with specific questions but don't make it all about yourself!  Hint: Everyone in medical or pharmaceutical sales has a story and they are eager to talk if you first show genuine interest in them. check out my website for more help to get hired: