Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Hi Gang- Happy Friday! Last week I said that the “Reign of Terror” resulting from Radical Leftist politicians law enforcement administers and prosecutors has cost civilians and police officers their lives. Yesterday President Biden came to New York City to meet with Mayor Eric Adams to supposedly offer help to combat rampant violent crime.  The emphasis for Biden was on guns- particularly “Ghost guns” while ignoring the insanity of criminals being arrested for firearms possession or other crimes only to be released onto the street within hours. We will consider the insane prosecutorial policies and the need for “Criminal Control” instead of gun control.  Biden and AG Garland refuse to include immigration law enforcement in fighting violent crime or even. Human trafficking! My August 2020 I article for FrontPage Magazineis a "must read": Radical Democrats Have Become 'Adversaries of Freedom' - JFK’s address to Congress in 1961 warned about the subversion we now experience. It has never been more importan