Note Inc. Podcast

013: Unlocking the Truth About Foreclosure Reduction: How Note Investors Should Read the News



Czarina reads the news in the latest installment of “Field Agent Chronicles”, the ‘show between the seasons’ on Note Inc. What's the real deal with the decrease in foreclosures? Is it all good or is something else going on? To leave a comment about the show, visit: ------------ Articles from this episode: National U.S. Foreclosure Inventory Down 31.5 Percent Annually in October: Click to read Could the Sale of Distressed Loans Decrease Foreclosures?: Click to read [PDF] Black Knight’s October Report: Click to read PDF [PDF] HUD’s November NPL Sale Report: Click to read PDF [PDF] Selling HUD’s Nonperforming Loans, A Win-Win for Borrowers, Investors and HUD: Click to read The Sweeping Changes to NPL Sales from Fannie Mae that resulted in price reduction: Click to read China Plays Hot Potato with Its Non Performing Loans: Click to read Greece’s central bank boss speaks on grappling with debtors: Click to read Unicredit (Italian bank) Readies Bad Loan Sales of $18.8 Billion: Click to