Calvary Temple

He Takes What the Enemy Meant for Evil...



Sometimes it can be hard to understand why bad things happen to us. Why would our own family hurt us? Why don’t things work out for us, but instead always seem to be against us? Joseph had this problem. He was blessed of God. He was righteous and loved God and his family. Yet he endured terrible hardship and pain at their hand. But in the end (and sometimes we also must wait until “the end of a thing”), Joseph was the clear winner. Only God was able to take what was meant for evil against Joseph and turn it into something beautiful that was clearly for his benefit. And not only for Joseph’s benefit, but for the benefit of those who had perpetrated the evil against him, and many others as well. Even in the hardness of life, God’s ways can turn what was meant for evil into our good. Romans 8:28 provides this promise: “And we know, that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.“ Joseph’s deliverance required that he forgive the evil intent