Tribe Byron Bay

Episode 101: Maria Mason - Vision: A Vision for the Grace of God - 28 February 2022



We continue with a fresh vision for the Kingdom in our new series. Today’s message focuses our attention on the need for the grace of God in doing all the impossible things that God has got for you in this life. If the Kingdom were do-able in your own strength, you wouldn’t need the Holy Spirit to fill you continually with fresh grace! We were made to live a life of fullness and that is supernatural. We must understand that we can never do the works of God in our own strength. Grace is not only unmerited favour, but it is His empowering presence to do the works and wonders of heaven on earth. From the miracle of the heart journey of love, all the way through to the miracles of physical healing, it’s all by grace. From living in supernatural provision to living out the dreams and adventures of His passions for you, it’s all by grace. Grace is the atmosphere of heaven that is available to you to fulfil this wild and crazy journey. Today there is a unique grace available to you for your life! Don’t try and live