Alternate Take With Danny Mancera

#57 - Founder of 'BetterMen'/Men's Life Coach - Dan Stanley



Danny talks with Dan Stanley, a Men’s Life Coach/The Founder of BetterMen, about his upbringing in the UK, his time in the military, the subconscious effect that the absence of his father had on him, his mid-life crisis that brought to surface the absence of his identity, how he broke out of the “people-pleasing” tendencies he had as a young man, the worst day of his life, why Dan felt the pressing need to create BetterMen, how to get rid of “the mask” that hides our insecurities and vulnerabilities, a life changing conversation Dan had with a stranger on a beach in The Maldives, the important balance of masculinity and emotional vulnerability, the disconnect between advancement in your career and development of happiness, the difference between being a father in modern times vs past times, how the pandemic brought everyone’s personal issues to the forefront, how to help those who aren’t ready to help themselves, the thin line of authenticity and how quickly it can get you success or failure, self leadership,