Ever Vigilant

Fifth Generation Warfare



All warfare is based on deception - Sun Tzu, The Art of WarWe can become so entranced by the glitz, glamour, lights, and glory of sports, news, movies, and television “programming’ (fitting word, right?), that we lose track of the fact we are constantly being sold something: sometimes an upgrade to something that we already own, a new car or a watch, or even a pair of shoes. But often we're being sold something else, something insidious. More often than not, we're literally being sold a set of moral standards, beliefs, allegiances or even lifestyle. Everything from TV to Facebook is offering something, and we fail to ask some very simple questions.We proceed to buy the shoes, use the hashtag, nod our heads and believe the lies or change our values and beliefs based on the promise made by someone with their own agenda. We must open our minds to the fact we are being lied to for the gain of others for business, our government, our churches, the kingdom of this world.https://weaponized.design/Heroes Wanted.Aband