Cutalks By Cutec

Ashleigh Ainsley - Colorintech



This week on CUTalks, we are speaking to Ashleigh Ainsley, the Co-Founder of Colorintech - a non-profit organisation that seeks to increase diversity in tech. Colorintech works with some of the largest tech companies in the world - including Facebook, Microsoft and Tik Tok. Ashleigh started his career working in strategy at the London start-up Qubit, Google, corporate KPMG and then the Founders Forum group. In this episode, we spoke about Ashleigh’s experience of founding a company, the best and most challenging aspects from working to a large company to then being a start-up founder, as well as the mission of Colorintech to tackle the lack of diversity in the tech industry. To find out more about CUTEC, visit This podcast was produced by Carl Homer, Cambridge TV.