Beers With A Miner

81 International Women’s Day 2022



Mad Mumzie in Zambia for International Women’s Day 2022-online only, but you get to hear her words to celebrate and encourage the newly formed Bainetu WIMZ members for their Women in Mining award ceremony. Take a seat at the MECC event that Mad Mumzie attended in person on the day. Stay until the end too, MM has been hacked and disabled from FBook and she is not happy! Founded in 2020, Bainetu Women in Mining Zambia is a voluntary, non-profit organisation that holds talks and networking events that aims to bringing women in the mining industry together. BWIMZ is also dedicated to celebrating women in the Industry. What an honour it was for MM to be asked! Humbling. Show Notes: Are you looking for a job in the mines but don't know where to start? Head to Online courses and community by Mad Mumzie: What Boots Podcast Thanks to Ban