Weekly Economics Podcast

Special: Ecuador



We're back with a special report from Ecuador - the little country that's doing things differently. It's the first of our Weekly Economics Podcast Stories, taking a deeper look at an idea that's caught our eye. Please see the following links for ways you can help earthquake relief efforts in Ecuador: www.crowdfunder.co.uk/sos-ecuador www.oxfam.org.uk/ecuador www.unicef.org.uk/Ecuador-Donation https://donate.unhcr.org/gb-en/ecuador-earthquake http://www.care.org/newsroom/press/press-releases/earthquake-ecuador -- Presented by Kirsty Styles. With guests Dan Vockins and Jacqui Howard. Produced by James Shield. Programme editor for NEF: Huw Jordan. Help the show by leaving a review: www.getpodcast.reviews/id/970353148 -- Music by: Revolution Void www.freemusicarchive.org/music/Revolu…cs_of_Desire Unknown tonada and albazo pieces by unknown Ecuadorian artists via Daniel Lofredo Rota www.soundsandcolours.com/articles/ecuador/episode-5-musica-popular-ecuatoriana-29518/ Broke For Free www.brokeforfree.com E