Activist Radio: The Mark Harrington Show

4 reasons we need to open the economy now | The Mark Harrington Show | 4-16-20



4 reasons we need to open the economy now | The Mark Harrington Show | 4-16-20 The Associated Press published a crucially important story yesterday – but not for the reasons it may have intended. While the report focuses on the effects of COVID-19 on pregnant women, who are being frightened into abortions, and the abortion facilities that service them, it lays out a compelling case for reopening the economy as soon as possible. Today, Mark discusses with Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue, why opening the economy is pro-life for the vulnerable unborn, and best to fight the COVID 19 virus. Troy says there are four important reasons why reopening the country would save lives by reducing abortions: • More women are likely to go through with their abortion decisions than before the pandemic. • Women who otherwise would not consider abortions are having them out of fear. • State orders to halt surgical abortions have been largely unsuccessful. • Abortion facilities are using the pandemic to expand web