Activist Radio: The Mark Harrington Show

Winning or losing: How the Gospel matters in the culture war | The Mark Harrington Show| 1-23-20



Tomorrow marks the annual March for Life remembering the anniversary of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. As we mourn another year of legal baby-killing, it is incumbent on us to review the past and prepare for the future. Some say the pro-life movement is winning the battle and are predicting the imminent demise of Roe v. Wade. Others have a more sober assessment. In the cultural battle, we need to ask hard questions. For example, what does evangelism have to do with witnessing against the evil of abortion? Can anti-abortion advocates share the Gospel and effectively fight child-killing at the same time? How do we REALLY win, and can we win without the church? Find the answers today on the Mark Harrington Show. Also, Operation Rescue just released their annual report on the state of abortion in America. See the report here: Here are a few of the findings: Since 2013, 367 surgical abortion facilities have permanently closed. This year’s closures represent a staggering 79 percent dr