Activist Radio: The Mark Harrington Show

Impeachment and the Demise of Roe | The Mark Harrington Show | 9-27-19



Why would Democrats try to impeach President Trump during an election cycle? Most would say Democrats are simply obsessed with Trump and can’t help it. But there is more to the story. The reason Democrats are advancing impeachment of the President now has to do with one issue – Roe v. Wade. Democrats know that they don’t have a candidate that can beat Trump in 2020, and they also know that there will be a vacancy on the SCOTUS next summer. Democrats know Ruth Bader Ginsberg is not long for the SCOTUS. So, they are trying to take down or at least degrade Trump so he cannot fill the vacancy. Since abortion is considered a religious sacrament to them, they cannot not allow Trump to add to his conservative majority on the court. And that is the rest of the story. In other news, earlier this month, police discovered 2,246 medically preserved remains of aborted babies in abortionist Ulrich Klopfer’s home in Illinois. His family found the remains shortly after he died Sept. 3. Indiana and Illinois authorities