Conversations With Passion! Corey Poirier

Randy Spelling - a Coach on Coaching



Randy Spelling's bio right from his own website... I’ve had to reverse engineer my life (a powerful strategy that will help you achieve your deepest desires from life). I was born in Los Angeles, CA to one of the most well known Hollywood families in the entertainment business. I had money, celebrity, and success. And then…what else? There was more, always more. But I was unaware of how to fill this void. And believe me, I tried to fill it with every external thing imaginable (more on that in my book!). It felt like there was some mysterious element that was missing. I wanted to be fulfilled, not live by the expectations of others. Society’s definitions of success and happiness were fine, except they didn’t leave me feeling successful or happy. I struggled to find my way, crawling through low self-esteem and not knowing my deeper purpose. After my father’s death and some near death experiences of my own, at age 27, I set out on a mission to “find” myself and understand what it takes to reach real happiness, h