Win Today With Christopher Cook: Your Roadmap To Wholeness

286: Clingy? Angry? Anxious? Understanding Your Attachment Style (feat. Krispin Mayfield)



This week, we are talking licensed professional counselor, Krispin Mayfield, all about understanding your attachment style in relationships. Have you ever felt an overriding sense of shame that motivates you to work harder, strive, and operate outside your temperament and identity in order to belong? I definitely have, and that's just one aspect of the conversation we're tackling today. If you enjoy this episode with Krispin, I'm sure you'll also enjoy: 277: Why the Relentless Pursuit of Pleasure Leads to Pain, Narcissism, and Dopamine Addiction (feat. Dr. Anna Lembke) 282: Jamie Winship on Getting Unstuck, The Lie of Being Alone, Radical Individualism, and Why Pain is Good Episode Links: Krispin’s Website | Instagram | Buy a copy of the book on Amazon! Subscribe to #WinTodayShow on YouTube. Join the conversation wherever hashtags are welcome using #WinTodayShow. Get the brand-new "Win the Week" email newsletter here. Connect with The Art of Leadership Network of podcasts here.