Cia: Contagious Influencers Of America

# 148: DAVE HOLLIS speaks honestly about marriage, divorce, Rachel and profound new beginnings



Are you finding yourself treading rough waters in life? Well, you’re not alone. Dave Hollis is a former Disney exec who was once also known as Rachel Hollis’ husband, whose book, “Girl, Wash Your Face,” sold over 4.5 million copies. Dave helped turn her brand into a successful company, but in 2020 his world came to a screeching halt. The two divorced and Dave left the company, looking for his own purpose in life. Dave is a New York Times best-selling author, and his latest book is now out called “Built Through Courage.” CIA Host and nine-time Emmy winner, David Sams, sits down with Dave to discuss life after divorce and how he’s taking control and finding freedom. #DaveHollis #BuiltThroughCourage #RiseTogether Website: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: