Wellness Weight And Wisdom With Lisa M Pepe

Natural Wellbeing



Our natural state is one of wellbeing... Your natural state is one of good health and if you're experiencing anything else, change your focus When we are worried about being well, we are actually focusing on being sick instead of getting better Thinking ourselves well may sound cliche', but it can definitely help in overcoming any illness We have the mental capacity to look at an illness in a different way to we can have healthier thoughts Do things that are geared towards helping yourself feel better and finding solutions can help us heal Use love and compassion to feel your way through your illness or a loved one's illness See and feel yourself as already healed using visualizations and by remembering your healthy self Always look deeper into the energetic blocks that might be preventing you from feeling better Watch the video below to hear my stories of "hormone hell" and how I regained my natural wellbeing For weekly wellness, wellbeing and intuitive guidance sessions, please join my Wellbeing Wisdom C