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TMHS 570: The Relationship Revolution: How The Pandemic Has Created The Opportunity For Better Connections



Our personal relationships have a far-reaching effect on our happiness, our success, and our health. Our connections with others are the truly the backbone of all aspects of our lives. Studies show that having strong social connections can boost your self-esteem, lower your susceptibility to mental health problems, and even increase your longevity. Having social support is an innate and instinctual part of being a human. We are profoundly shaped by our environments, including our interpersonal relationships. In fact, our need to connect is hard-wired into our DNA. Throughout human evolution, we have always relied on and been connected to others socially.  On today’s show, we’re diving into the power of cultivating healthy relationships, including what key qualities of a strong relationship, and eight warning signs of an unhealthy relationship. You’re going to hear five specific attributes of a healthy relationship, as well as eight critical signs you should adjust or let go of a relationship. Enjoy!  In this