Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather Astrology

Anne Ortelee's April 10, 2022 Weekly Weather



Mercury is super busy this week ~ he contunes to travel 15 degrees, and talks to every planet in the sky. On April 10, Mercury enters Taurus and slows the game down a bit.  Think fast breaking basketball game, shifting to a slower pace as the guard handling the ball, slows down as he travels down the court. Mars enters Pisces becoming mellow and groovy.  He's chilling to the Jupiter in Pisces vibe. Mellow jazz!  Water, fluid and emotions flow! Jupiter and Neptune meetup at 23:58 Pisces to start a new 12 year cycle on April 12, 2022.  The last time they met up in Pisces was March 1858 ~ the treaty ending the Crimean war was signed in February 1858.  The last time they recently met up was Dec 21, 2009 at 24 Aquarius ~about where Saturn is now.  Enings of a cycle marks the beginning of a new cycle that ends on March 24, 2035 Venus dances in the sign of her exaltation Pisces and encourages emotions to flow and issue invitations to collaborate with her.  Mercury enters Taurus and focuses on peace and love becau