Machine Learning

Why should large banks be broken up to prevent financial corruption



The article says to break up the banks is "political demagoguery" and "embraces a dubious 'too big to fail' doctrine " It's a bunch of baloney The "too big to fail" doctrine was created by the banks themselves in their lobbying to deregulate the financial system It's the opposite of "dubious " It was one of the biggest lies ever told by the bankers They made it up to get the Congress and the President to repeal the New Deal system of regulation The repeal of Glass-Steagall was the most important of the deregulations that the banks pushed for It allowed the banks to create the most destructive financial crisis in history, which they then used as an excuse to get the government to bail them out That's why they lied and said they were "too big to fail " The banks are not now, nor were they then, "too big to fail " They were too big and too politically powerful to be held accountable for the damage they did The government would have had no problem breaking them up and letting them go bankrupt That's w