Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

I found it and it feels good EP 181



I’ve done a good amount of speaking in my life. As an adult, speaking, training, and coaching is always what I’ve dreamed of doing. However, I never really found the talk or had the guts to go after it full force. In other words, I’ve put a lot of content together but it always felt like someone else’s talk, someone else’s point of view… as if I was parroting someone else’s info. Last week I gave a talk at a local community group and not only did it go well but I knew I was onto something. The workshop was about asking yourself the question, “ could our family history have anything to do with what’s going on in our house today”? Also, I coupled that with what a mental wellness plan might look like. If we are to move the needle to normalize mental health and addiction we have to normalize the basic for the most amount of people possible. If you know someone that would benefit from here in a message like this, make sure you share the podcast. As always, we would love a written review on Spotify or Apple iTunes.