Down Cellar Studio Podcast

Episode 231: Wordle, Geometry & Travel Adventures



Thank you for tuning in to Episode 231 of the Down Cellar Studio Podcast. For full show notes check out:  This week’s segments included: Off the Needles, Hook or Bobbins On the Needles, Hook or Bobbins Brainstorming From the Armchair Some Years Later Knitting in Passing In my Travels KAL News On a Happy Note Quote of the Week Off the Needles, Hook or Bobbins Wordle Pattern: Wordle by Ham & Eggs (free crochet pattern available on Ravelry) Yarn: Knit Picks Brava Worsted in Peapod (Green), Loops & Thread Impeccable in True Gray, Rowan Purelife in Alder Buckthorn (Mustard), Red Heart Super Saver in White Hook: D (3.25 mm) Directions tell you exactly how to make the format they show in the pattern or you can create your own. I chose to use one of the Riley’s actually Wordle days using a screenshot she sent me. I did the bottom row as one strip instead of five squares. When I joined the columns, I ran a slipped stitch down the existing stitches to match where I seamed up the