Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather Astrology

Anne Ortelee's May 1, 2022 Weekly Weather



The eclipses are here!  The eclipses are here!  Venus enters Aries on May 2,2022 making the sky hot,hot, hot.  She's in Aries until May 29. Mercury enters his shadow for his upcoming retrograde on April 26 ~ 26 Taurus ~ trine to stationing Pluto. He entered Gemini on Apri 28 until July 6!  Retrograde alert!  During the eclipses! Old stories that have fascinating energies surface on this eclipse! He's slowing down and traveling 1 degree a day.  Venus meets up with Jupiter and Neptune to inaugurate their recent union.  She brings a delectable housewarming gift.  She also hangs out with Juno as they plan the next few months until January 13, 2023 around grace, beauty and money.   Mars in Pisces  shifts because Venus entered Aries. In mutual reception, he gets assertive. Jupiter sextiles Pluto as he's at his station degree from April 29, 2022 the day before the powerful solar eclipse which involves Uranus!  Check back on committments made November 2020 when they met in capricorn. Oh what a week it is going