Happiness Hacks

Episode 123: Helping Women Design A Life They Love While Avoiding Burnout With Rebelle's Shannon Siriano Greenwood



We have all heard this story:  A woman has hit rock bottom. She is burnt out and is experiencing her dark night of the soul. Cornered by life, she feels like she has nowhere to turn.   And then, miraculously, she has some major ah-ha moment–lightning strikes and everything is fixed. Birds sing, everyone breaks out into song, and the struggle is gone.   I used to be addicted to these transformational stories.  These stories gave me hope that permanent change was possible. That one day I would be healed. I would be perfect.  The truth is, these stories of sudden transformative change keep us trapped and miserable. They feed us the lie that if we are still it is because something is wrong with us. They tell us that we haven’t suffered enough or that we haven’t been good enough to be transformed. My guest today, Shannon Siriano Greenwood, went through burnout–she hit her rock bottom and was able to climb back out. But her story is far from simple. It isn’t wrapped in a bow and it isn’t a song and dance number.  S