Happiness Hacks

Episode 115: Living Life True To Your Values



Today, I want to share a cautionary tale. A few days ago I said to my husband: “Maybe we should shake things up this year. Do something crazy. Sell our house, move to Hawaii… SOMETHING BIG.” He looked at me blankly. “What about our families?” he asked. “What about our friends? What about your business? Besides, I like it here. I like our life. We do big things in little ways all the time.” And it hit me–I had yet again got sucked into the New Year, New You crap– “When-Then Syndrome.”  I had been reading the inspirational memes on social media–people planning on moving to exotic locations, quitting toxic jobs, losing weight, getting in shape–and my Inner Monger was getting louder and louder.  All of these promises of a new and perfect life were making me feel like I wasn’t enough–like I was missing out.  I was getting drawn into comparing myself to all the people who were making BIG change and I was twisting it into a ‘you are not good enough’ mantra. I was stuck in a cycle of comparisonitis. I let that reali