Happiness Hacks

Episode 107: Recognizing The Signs Of High Functioning Anxiety



You are leading a double life. On the outside, you appear to be the most “with it” woman anyone is ever going to meet–calm, cool, and collected. But on the inside, you are an over-analyzing storm of self-doubt, stress, and anxiety.  Those of us with High Functioning Anxiety have developed coping skills and have become so good at hiding our anxiety, even our friends and family would never guess what lay under the surface.  But these coping skills have left us feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and still full of anxiety. And what makes it worse, everyone around us sees us as being able to handle anything and just keeps piling on more and more.  The coping mechanisms that use to help, are now hurting us but we feel we can’t stop because they are all we know.  “Okay okay,” you say. “But what am I supposed to do with that?” It starts with recognizing when your High Functioning Anxiety is running the show. Once we start learning to recognize the signs of High Functioning Anxiety and developing the coping skills to dea