Happiness Hacks

Episode 105: How To Stop Checking Boxes And Start Living Life



I didn’t want to experience life–I wanted to master it. I was too caught up in my goals to enjoy what was right in front of me. I figured that when I checked all the boxes on my goal list, then I would finally be happy: WHEN I have a life partner THEN this experience will be awesome WHEN I am thinner THEN I will be happier WHEN I am less busy THEN life will be more peaceful WHEN I am more present THEN I will be content And because I wasn’t present in the moment, not living in the moment was holding me back   We live our lives in When Then statements. We spend too much of our time waiting, hoping, wishing for our broken selves to be fixed so THEN we can be happy.  What if you aren’t doing anything wrong? What is happiness isn’t something you attain permanently? What if you are thinking about it wrong? All this month we are looking at how the self-help isn’t doing us any favors and is leading us astray, particularly those of us with High Functioning Anxiety who love looking outside of ourselves for the answer