Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Hi Gang:  Happy Friday!  (Perhaps not so happy Friday! The lunacy continues!  The administration is creating a division within the DHS to supposedly address mis-information and DHS Secretary Mayorkas, in his testimony before congressional hearings is, unfortunately, living up to his reputation and leaving our borders wide open while all but disbanding immigration law enforcement. Meanwhile, last week we considered the NBC report: Former president of Honduras extradited to U.S. on drug trafficking charges- I wrote about this case for U.S. Incorporated and on April 25 they published my article: U.S. Extradites Former Honduran President for Drug Smuggling While Borders Are Wide Open Incredibly, on April 28, 2022 NBC reported:  Premier of British Virgin Islands arrested in Miami on drug trafficking charges It has never been more important that we truly learn how to speak with our fellow Americans in non-confrontational but in fact-based effective and persuasive ways.  Immigration is one issue that should unit