Debate This!

FLAVOR TEXT: Flashpoint



Seems like everything is time travel this or alternate universe that, right? Well, this episode is no exception because today we're diving into the 2011 DC storyline Flashpoint! Join us as we discuss the universe-changing miniseries that DC used to launch their New 52 storylines. Come explore an alternate reality where Thomas and Martha Wayne are alive, Superman never became a hero, and Reverse Flash torments Barry Allen...okay that third one isn't different, but you get the point. Special thanks to BaconBitBehemoth, who would certainly never mess with the unstoppable flow of time and usher in unfathomable changes just to get what he wants. If what YOU want is to commission your own FLAVOR TEXT, check out our Patreon page at No need to hop on your Cosmic Treadmill to change the flow of history as we know it. Have you seen our Twitter? Have you seen our Instagram? Want to send us an email? It's been