America Meditating Radio Show W/ Sister Jenna

A Spirit Led Life with Jenai Lane & Sister Jenna



Jenai Lane has allowed herself to follow her guidance and intuition, coming full circle, as she now lives her life knowing her purpose in this incarnation. She is the founder of Spirit Coach Training. An award-winning entrepreneur, intuitive coach and trainer, she certifies coaches in a method to be spirit-led. Her Spirit Coach® Methodology has been used for over 15 years with clients one-on-one, online, in retreat settings and to train master coaches. She is the author of Spirit Led Instead: The Little Tool Book of Limitless Transformation, The Spirit Led Instead Playbook and is a contributing author in the new book, Meditation; Intimate Experiences with the Divine through Contemplative Practices, which includes over 30 contributing authors sharing their experiences with the Divine. Jenai joins Sister Jenna to discuss her evolution from being a highly successful award-winning entrepreneur with appearances on national TV, and magazine articles written about her to a spiritual path and Spirit Coaching for ot