Bellingham Podcast

Ep. 56 "Counting Change on $15.5million"



Breaking news! We are now available on TuneIN Radio! AJ and I have some public service announcements for the better of society. Also, AJ discovers a beautiful needle in the watch world haystack...from overseas! And I wax nostalgically about a long-lost customer service technique that simply doesn't exist today.NOTE: WE WILL BE OFF THE PODCAST FEED/OFF THE AIR UNTIL NOVEMBER 12 TuneIn Link: * * *Op-Ed SoapBoxA PSA to Photographers : Avoid updates to any ANY software while in the middle of production. Even if it LOOKS like it is a harmless patch- just don't update EVER when you have stuff on the line. * AJ's **1hr long horror story** with Adobe support, and what the future of Lightroom means to those who (once) had perpetual license vs mandatory Creative Cloud. * If I wasn't a tech...this could have ended really poorly. * What AJ's looking forward to (more on this to come on his ( ; * Skylum (Former