An Herbal Diary: Culinary Herbalism | Medicine Recipes

050 Kitchen Medicine Broth Series:Ginger Stock



Rounding out my broth episodes with ginger provides the perfect example of how lovely tasting herbal tea can second as herbal broth which then infuses the food we eat with an extra layer of nourishment. Ginger is a great example, because it is such a foundational culinary herb with multitudes of methods and recipes incorporating ginger both fresh and dried.. As for soup, ginger itself may be added as an ingredient, it goes especially well with chicken soup or creamy carrot soup or a garlic lemongrass broth with noodles, But it can also be layered in as the actual broth or stock base to make a sublime and aromatic soup or stew creation. Listen in while I make a pungent ginger stock and then use it in mushroom soup. I hope you will simmer along with me. *Ginger Broth* makes 3-4 cups 4 cups (1 quart) water 4 inch piece fresh ginger root, chopped 1 teaspoon peppercorns 1 teaspoon coriander seeds 1 bay leaf 3 kafir lime leaf Salt to taste (optional, perhaps do not add if going to drink as tea) No need to peel the