Calvary Chapel San Ramon Podcast

Episode 199: Matthew 8:18-34 "Be a Disciple (a follower, not a fan)"



What is a disciple? It is defined as a devoted disciplined learner. How Jesus reveals God’s heart is that on His heart is the desire to make disciples. 269 times the word disciple is used in the Bible. The word Christian is used only 3 times. The New Testament is written by disciples for disciples. Key points in this Study: It is knowing Jesus and knowing who He is. We need to prioritize Him first, not our will be done but His. We have God’s word. It is the anchor to our soul as we build on this rock. Who do we cry out to in a storm? What wakes Him up is the cry of His disciples. We will suffer rejection. Live in hopeful anticipation that one life you touch will be changed. Here Jesus makes clear the cost of discipleship. This is a ‘me first’ culture we live in. As disciples we need to remember that this earth is not our home, we are citizens of Heaven. This is the heart of a disciple. This is our abundant life.Accept today God’s free gift of salvation. Call upon the name of the Lord and be saved. Seek H