Win Today With Christopher Cook: Your Roadmap To Wholeness

294: The Teacher Called "Failure," Facing Our Darkness, and Making Sense of Brokenness (feat. Makoto Fujimara)



This week, an incredible man named Mako Fujimara joins us to talk about how to face our darkness, make sense of brokenness, and why there are certain aspects of growth and maturity that will only happen through failure. Yes, failure. In our conversation, you'll hear Mako remark that trauma isn't something we get over. Instead, we move with it. That's a profound concept and exactly where we're headed today. Episode Links: Mako's Website | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube | Buy a copy of Mako's latest book on Amazon. Subscribe to #WinTodayShow on YouTube. Join the conversation wherever hashtags are welcome using #WinTodayShow. Get the brand-new "Win the Week" email newsletter here. Connect with The Art of Leadership Network of podcasts here.