Sleep To Strange | A Sleep Inducing Podcast | That Helps You Relax Fall Asleep Fast And Beat Insomnia Like Asmr And Guided Me

Cursed Dragon Love Story | Rending 'Redditation 'Rursday | from Sleep With Me #251



This is as "meta rabbit hole" as the podcast can get...if you can even grasp a meaning in that last sentence you might have a chance of unraveling this story within a story, story. "Holy MC Escher, you mean the Dragon Love story is tucked into a bedtime story that you are telling some kid within the greater context of Aberdeens' general story?", you ask. "Worse", I would answer, "I wandered into a dreamlike Western town in search of a sucker to take on a curse for a curse, and then all that other stuff happened. I thought it was going to be a Western but it got senseless fast.". "What?", you ask. "Nevermind, just sleep and dream of two dragons intertwined in a tragic love story intertwined in...nevermind." Support the podcast by shopping on Amazon Facebook Community A place to share and be shared with other listeners!!!! Links NPR report on Disagreeable teens becoming adults Subscribe in iTunes Become a fan on Facebook On Twitter @dearestscooter Spotify Playlist