Sleep To Strange | A Sleep Inducing Podcast | That Helps You Relax Fall Asleep Fast And Beat Insomnia Like Asmr And Guided Me

"A Pop, A Mop and a Candy War" Whitman vs See's Part 1 | Falling Asleep to Tale of a Man and His Mop



Tonight as your pillow grows softer, your mind will grow numb as I join an old man in his basement to look at his secret candy isle. Put stranger danger aside for the real threat is the candy companies and some sort of war. Sweet words like cocoafallout will fog your brain and sleep will come sooner than the conclusion...ideally. Subscribe: iTunes | Android  Support the podcast by shopping on Amazon Previous uses of Writer's Emergency Pack | #223 Geesman of Oaksterdam | #187 My Life With a Perm I put my Writer's Emergency Pack to use, drawing four random idea cards and then letting them guide the story, then when I was stuck I drew one more..and then one more after that. Writer's Emergency Pack is a set of cards to help unstick a stuck story created by John August. Writer Emergency Pack is a deck full of useful ideas to help get your story back on track. When your story gets stuck, Writer Emergency Pack has the tools you need. Fix plot holes. Spice up stock characters. Rethink your themes. Writer Emergency P