Taxi Tv

How To Get THOUSANDS Of Sync Placements [Top Film & TV Composer Tips]



Tracey and Vance Marino have had their Instrumentals and Songs placed THOUSANDS of times in TV, Film, Commercials, and Video Games. How did this husband and wife team from San Diego do it? What did they do that you might not have done yet? How did they do it, how long did it take, and what mistakes did they make along the way? I asked them those questions and many, many more on this episode of TAXI TV. I also asked them how the heck they found the time to write their new book, Hey! That’s My Song!: A Guide to Getting Music Placements in Film, TV, and Media. I just got my copy, and to say that it's extremely comprehensive would be an understatement. Seriously, they have over 3,000 pieces of music in about 60 catalogs, so how did they find the time to write a book that seemingly covers every topic you want to know more about? Want to get your copy of the book in this episode? Click the link below! Hey! That’s My Song!: A Guide to Getting Music Placements in Film, TV, and Media - by Tracey Marino: https:/