Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather Astrology

Anne Ortelee's May 29, 2022 Weekly Weather



Mars and Jupiter meet up to start a new 2 year cycle of action, change and go.  Taking off like a ROCKET!! Mercury stations to go direct. Saturn stations to go retrograde.  . Venus is in Taurus, her RULER starting a growth and expansion cycle untile June 23.   There is a fierce new Moon in Gemini that ends eclipse season with a cliff hanger!  Vesta goes into Pisces encouraging you to embody your dream in your body, home, work and life.  She'll be in Pisces until February 9, 2023!  Yes you read that right.  Great time for health, wealth and dream projects that enhance your life!  Living (Vesta) the Dream (Pisces) quite literally!!  Mercury stations to turn direct after he retrograded back into Taurus.  He's formaing a minor grand trine with Pluto and the Neptune. Mercury has three trines to Pluto ~ the first was April 28, the second was last week and third is June 10. Mercury s retrograde until June 3, 2022. Ghosts return. Stories change. Things are revealed. Secrets are told!  He'll be in Gemini until Ju