Success Smackdown Live With Kat

Drop Into The Vibe of Being You



This week’s episode of The Rebel Millionaire Podcast is about igniting the fire back into your soul so you can feel more aligned, and drop even deeper into the vibe of being you.   This conversation will help to shift the limitation and idea of something needing to be a certain way, in order for you to THEN access your souls truth, and take action from that place. I know there is so much for you to connect to and implement into your life after listening to this amazing episode.   In my own life I realised that when I feel most aligned to soul and ME, essentially what’s happening is I’m giving myself higher permission to just be myself, whatever that looks like.     What does a higher level of permission for you to be you, look like?   In this podcast I’ll be helping you remove limitation and discover what that looks like by taking you though -   Recognising what feels most aligned for you What you can do about fighting against your own stories Identifying your own stories that no longer serve you Creating a n