Success Smackdown Live With Kat




THE ANSWER IS IN THE NIGGLE   --------------------   You always know. You always know. You ALWAYS always always know! - you know what you're meant to be doing - how you're meant to be doing it - and when You KNOW. You always always always know what the pathway that you're meant to be following looks like, and even how to get there. The question simply is - how to tap in to that? Listen to this week's episode for what you need to hear! Please take a moment to leave a comment, review or share if you enjoy the show! Your feedback means so much to me, and I appreciate it so much!   --------------------   Hi, I'm Katrina Ruth. I’m a self-made multi-millionaire, and I work with successful badasses like YOU, who kick their OWN ass … and then I kick it a little bit harder.   I currently live on the Gold Coast of Australia, and I’m a single Mum to my two beautiful children, Alyssa and Nathan. I travel a LOT with my business (sometimes with the kids, sometimes not), and my business allows m