Success Smackdown Live With Kat

Eventually You Will Give in To Being You! {bts on my story of building an 8-figure+ brand}



Eventually You Will Give in To Being You! {bts on my story of building an 8-figure+ brand} -------------------- I've said for years, and I'll say it again and again and again until you hear it: Eventually you will give in to being all of you. You may as well do it NOW, because a year from now? You're still gonna have that same still small voice inside of you tug tug tugging away, but you'll just be OLDER. IT IS NEVER GOING TO GO AWAY. The call. And? You need a helluva lot less than what you think, as far as clarity / knowledge / know-how, and so on, to start. Come behind the scenes on the earlier part of my journey, before I came online, and hear how I got started giving in to being all of me, and building what is now an 8-figure+ brand. This is one of my most powerful episodes yet! Please take a moment to leave a comment, review or share if you enjoy the show! Your feedback means so much to me, and I appreciate it so much! -------------------- Hi, I'm Katrina Ruth. I’m a self-made mu